Thursday, March 31, 2005

Just looking to finish

So I have officially registered for this years triathalon. Which is probably a good thing since I convinced 5 other people to do it with me who had already registered. For those of you who dont remember, last years triathalon was nothing short of bizarrely triumphant. First, had charcakes not been on my ass, there is no way I wouldve done it. She loaned me a bathing suit, got me a bike hat, and drove me to the hotel which she had arranged. I hadnt been feeling well and was in a terrible mood. The day of the race I was literally the last person in the water, mostly because I was waiting for Eagle to cheer me into the water. Little did I know, but Eagle was on the other side of the lake, wondering if I was ever going to come out of the water.
So, my friends were almost done with the tri before I ever got into the water so I was standing there all alone, participating in the 'do it with your friends' category which my friends had failed to tell me they werent participating in. Not a friend in sight. Oh the drama. I got into the water several shades of pathetic. I think at points I was even crying, feeling sorry for myself. To continue the misery, I shortly figured out that I had developed a fear of putting my face in the water. Something I wouldve figured out if I had bothered to swim as part of my training - had I bothered to train. Sometime around the middle of the lake, when I was sure I could make it to the other side it just wasnt going to happen quickly, I found a certain level of peace. That, and I knew that if I didnt cut out the drama I probably wasnt going to make it to the other side. And that wouldve sucked. Anyway, I started feeling really great about the whole thing, and then I saw Jamie holding a sign, looking terrified that he had missed me. I waved to him while I was swimming and he finally saw me and started cheering and holding the sign high above his head that said he loved me. The rest of the race was cake. I cant wait for this years adventure.

Along those same lines, some of the tri-babes are doing the Shamrock Shuffle this weekend. Some are running, Kim and I are shuffling. Is anyone else registered that I dont know about? If you have any interest in laughing at us, come on down on Sunday. Dont forget to change your clocks. Race starts at 9:30.

And again along those lines, I have officially started the pre-wedding workout routine. My roommate, endorphine man, is keeping me thinking about it. I Working out 5-6 times a week, and am taking another stab at jogging. And as the Swinger and I discussed, running is terrible for you. But for me, its all about the dream. I have never run a mile, and still cant, but someday I swear I will.

Hopefully that day will be soon, my feet hurt.

Monday, March 28, 2005

Silence / Joy

Eagle and I just found out that our friend Laura's mother passed away recently. Most of you dont know her, but if you would, take a minute to think fondly, talk to your god or the universe, and wish all of them peace. It was a very long death process and they could use some good vibes and prayers.


The Beekeeper emailed over the weekend to find out how the wedding plans were coming along. And I was just so moved when I was describing to her just how great the plans are coming along and just how much love and support we have been getting. So many of you are giving your time, energy, voice, and love to make our wedding amazing- it was really overwhelming. We are just so fortunate to have all of you in our lives. I cant possibly say enough thank you's so I figure I should start now. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

The Eagle has landed

in cyberspace. (It was so cliche I couldnt avoid it.) The warmest of welcomes to our newest blogger, The Eagle.

As always, its good to have you here.
Update: By decree of 3S, until he blogs again, he is officially being labeled as Senor Poop Eagle.

Monday, March 21, 2005

Under and over the surface

Right now I am really present to just how much is going on under the surface in my life. All the things unspoken that are affecting and sometimes ruling my life. And then of course, there are all the other really great things that I get to focus on to avoid whats under the surface. Not that these things are just a distraction, but they are important things that I get to look at instead of what is underneath and not have to justify spending time and energy on them. Speaking of which, Eagle and I went to B&N this weekend and bought several books that pertain to our trip. There arent as many books about the topic as you might think, but we found 4 we didnt already have. I am completely smitten with mine so far. The author spends 1/3 of the book giving tips only on how to BE on the trip. Nothing about what to pack or what credit card to bring. Rather, ways to distinguish what your mission is for the trip, heirarchys of what is important (integral to distinguish before the trip and for Eagle and I to agree on - or at least know each others as to respect them), and pros and cons of different types of traveling. This is my favorite quote so far (as part of distinguishing whether or not you are what he calls the Independant Budget Traveler):

You will travel for an extended period of time.
Your journey will be counted in weeks or months, not days. "Extended" implies much more than a minimum amount of time. If you feel as though your trip will be a consequential piece of your life - an important period of transition or growth that extends you - then the term fits. (emphasis mine)

I have a feeling that a couple months into it, what we will be present to is the extending - which isnt necessarily comfortable, but good for you. Sometimes I forget that what we are doing isnt going on a vacation. And I bet that is a trap we will fall into all the time (and I should check with the Eagle, because he might actually be going on 'vacation' which is really different than what I think we are doing.) I am so scared. And I cant wait.


The Swinger and I started a workout routine, kinda, together this weekend which consists of going for a run/jog/walk on Sunday mornings (in addition to our seperate trips to the gym). And although it was his first ever, I have to give many kudos to him for doing really really well. I was impressed. And I have never gone for a run with anyone and it was quite nice. The time really passed quickly.


Saw The Forgotten this weekend. A solid rental with some really well done scenes. I quite enjoyed it, as did the Swinger.

Monday, March 14, 2005

Not for the squeamish

Please dont continue reading if there are things about me that you dont want to know. For instance, Iron Chef Chicago should not continue reading.

This was just so bizarre that I had to blog about it, and you know me, poor personal boundaries. Anyway here goes. So given the style and length of our honeymoon, I have decided to get laser hair removal for my arm pits and my bikini area. That and it would kick ass to not have to shave ever again. Another friend of mine is getting it done as well so I decided to go to the same salon she is, which is luckily across the street from an Ann Sathers. Mmmm. Anyway, to paint a picture, I am getting this done from a gay guy half my height named Dik. Of course I am.

Since I didnt know what kind of condition my hair should be in when I arrived, I had been letting things go. I wasnt sure what was optimal and that scenario seemed like a nice default choice. So he does my underarms first. It was a little more painful than I expected (as the test run didnt really hurt at all), but no big deal. So then its time for the bikini area. Even now my mind cant wrap just how bizarre it all got. He was down there, just trimming away and chatting about the freaks that have come in. All the while he has an enormous spot light on my completely naked crotch, taking time to occasionally back away and gauge just how even everything is. Remember the Brady Bunch episode where the movie director was scouting Mrs Brady in the parking lot and using his hands to create a framing effect? It was kinda like that.

All in all, I am actually a bit surprised as just how well I took the whole thing in stride. You just dont know how you are going to react to a complete stranger shaving your privates until it happens. Apparently, I find it mildly bizarre. Who knew?

That should fill your TMI quota for the week. You are welcome.

Thursday, March 10, 2005

meltdown, the first one

So I really am avoiding blogging about the wedding as much as possible as I realize that the details, while wildly fascinating to me, are of little interest to anyone who isnt also planning a wedding. But I had my very first wedding related meltdown which resulted in a really fantastic fight with the Eagle that we so needed to have, and I just wanted to mention it. It was a perfect fight. The Eagle really needed to do some whining and complaining and I really needed to be a covert martyr, suffering in silence, finally getting my moment of recognition of just how hard I have been working on the wedding.

Part of what makes our relationship so perfect is that while I cant manage to be angry for more than I day, I do enjoy the whole experience. But the Eagle has no tolerence for fighting so although he kinda hung up on me twice, he then called me back each time to talk about why he hung up and to make sure we cleared the air. Of course at the time I was being too righteous and indignant to care, but I know, somewhere in my mind, that I love that he loves me in such a way that he is less interested in being right than he is in being present to loving me. Tis an amazing thing, and no part of me takes any of that for granted.

Friday, March 04, 2005

You always wanted a theme song, didnt you?

So theres a site out there designed to aid folks looking for a theme to their life. The basis of their theory - why not have your life themed on the song that was #1 on the day you were born. This sounded like a fantastic idea. So I checked it out.

So, first they make a point of saying that it is generally agreed that 1974 was a terrible year for music. But since I own the Singers and Songwriters collection, in its entirety, I ignored this.

I move down the weeks and see Jim Croce Time in a Bottle. Classic. I pretend I dont see Ray Stevens The Streak and move along. Oh, John Denver's Annie's Song. I love that song and had no idea it was released the year I was born. I ignore Clapton and move to Barry White. Oh yeah. Cant Get Enough of Your Love. Babe. So now I am just anxious to get to my week only to find out that Chicagos Handsomest Lead Singer (and fellow November birthday) got one of my favorite Stevie songs You Havent Done Nothing and I got jacked with Bachman-Turner Overdrive You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet. And the week after me is Lennon! Oh the injustice! To be birthed in between two greats like that. And now I cant get that song out of my head! Curses! I guess I will go back to my earlier, its-only-my-theme-because-I-say-it-is theme song, Alone Again Or.


I hope you fare better than I did.

Ba ba ba ba ba ba Baby.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Doctor! Doctor!

So one of the things I forgot to mention in my weekend update was that I was quite excited about having downloaded The Thompson Twins Into the Gap. I have that album on cassette tape and figured it was time to move to digital. I am notorious for downloading anything that catches my fancy and then being rather nonchalant about the album once I have it. I have to say, this album is not falling in that category. Just love it. So, for whatever reason, when I played it for Jamie in the apt I skipped Doctor! Doctor! and went right to You Take Me Up. So, today I am listening to it at work and started at the beginning and heard Doctor!(2) and immediately I was back in grade school.

What I had forgotten is that I loved that song when it came out and had decided that I was going to dance to this song at the grade school talent show. So I waited and taped (on Beta of course) Friday Night Videos. Then, I got my little bombox and sat next to the TV to tape the song. I did that for hours, trying to get all of the song but none of the person doing the intro. (I think in the end I had to compromise and missed some of the song.) But I spent days and days in my family room choreographing a dance/gymnastics routine to that song. And I cant even remember if I actually performed the peice or not, but I do remember just how serious and passionate I was about it. I think its time I looked into classes at the Old Town again. And I dont think I am going to do Bellydancing again. I definitely enjoyed it, and am glad I did it, but I need to do a more advanced class and although they now offer the second level, I guess I am just not inspired by it right now. I think I want something more challenging. Perhaps a west african dance (oops, already full), or really make myself look like an idiot and take Hip-Hop/House/Funk. And apparently classes start this week so I should probably get on that.