Just looking to finish
So I have officially registered for this years triathalon. Which is probably a good thing since I convinced 5 other people to do it with me who had already registered. For those of you who dont remember, last years triathalon was nothing short of bizarrely triumphant. First, had charcakes not been on my ass, there is no way I wouldve done it. She loaned me a bathing suit, got me a bike hat, and drove me to the hotel which she had arranged. I hadnt been feeling well and was in a terrible mood. The day of the race I was literally the last person in the water, mostly because I was waiting for Eagle to cheer me into the water. Little did I know, but Eagle was on the other side of the lake, wondering if I was ever going to come out of the water.
So, my friends were almost done with the tri before I ever got into the water so I was standing there all alone, participating in the 'do it with your friends' category which my friends had failed to tell me they werent participating in. Not a friend in sight. Oh the drama. I got into the water several shades of pathetic. I think at points I was even crying, feeling sorry for myself. To continue the misery, I shortly figured out that I had developed a fear of putting my face in the water. Something I wouldve figured out if I had bothered to swim as part of my training - had I bothered to train. Sometime around the middle of the lake, when I was sure I could make it to the other side it just wasnt going to happen quickly, I found a certain level of peace. That, and I knew that if I didnt cut out the drama I probably wasnt going to make it to the other side. And that wouldve sucked. Anyway, I started feeling really great about the whole thing, and then I saw Jamie holding a sign, looking terrified that he had missed me. I waved to him while I was swimming and he finally saw me and started cheering and holding the sign high above his head that said he loved me. The rest of the race was cake. I cant wait for this years adventure.
Along those same lines, some of the tri-babes are doing the Shamrock Shuffle this weekend. Some are running, Kim and I are shuffling. Is anyone else registered that I dont know about? If you have any interest in laughing at us, come on down on Sunday. Dont forget to change your clocks. Race starts at 9:30.
And again along those lines, I have officially started the pre-wedding workout routine. My roommate, endorphine man, is keeping me thinking about it. I Working out 5-6 times a week, and am taking another stab at jogging. And as the Swinger and I discussed, running is terrible for you. But for me, its all about the dream. I have never run a mile, and still cant, but someday I swear I will.
Hopefully that day will be soon, my feet hurt.
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