Doctor! Doctor!
So one of the things I forgot to mention in my weekend update was that I was quite excited about having downloaded The Thompson Twins Into the Gap. I have that album on cassette tape and figured it was time to move to digital. I am notorious for downloading anything that catches my fancy and then being rather nonchalant about the album once I have it. I have to say, this album is not falling in that category. Just love it. So, for whatever reason, when I played it for Jamie in the apt I skipped Doctor! Doctor! and went right to You Take Me Up. So, today I am listening to it at work and started at the beginning and heard Doctor!(2) and immediately I was back in grade school.
What I had forgotten is that I loved that song when it came out and had decided that I was going to dance to this song at the grade school talent show. So I waited and taped (on Beta of course) Friday Night Videos. Then, I got my little bombox and sat next to the TV to tape the song. I did that for hours, trying to get all of the song but none of the person doing the intro. (I think in the end I had to compromise and missed some of the song.) But I spent days and days in my family room choreographing a dance/gymnastics routine to that song. And I cant even remember if I actually performed the peice or not, but I do remember just how serious and passionate I was about it. I think its time I looked into classes at the Old Town again. And I dont think I am going to do Bellydancing again. I definitely enjoyed it, and am glad I did it, but I need to do a more advanced class and although they now offer the second level, I guess I am just not inspired by it right now. I think I want something more challenging. Perhaps a west african dance (oops, already full), or really make myself look like an idiot and take Hip-Hop/House/Funk. And apparently classes start this week so I should probably get on that.
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