Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Awards Galore! / Hip Hop Hurrah! / Misc.

Thought you would all want to know that our very own Bob took first place in a very large brewing competition with an as of yet unnamed Oatmeal Stout. And as his dad would say, Panfastic!

And I know that lots of folks who read this disagree, but man was I happy that Crash won the Picture of the Year award. I did a little dance in a restaurant in Stamford CT when I heard. Fortunately, Eagle and I saw this before any hype, and before we ruined it for people by wildly exclaiming that it is the best movie either of us has ever seen EVER. We saw it based on one preview I had seen. And Swinger and I have talked about this, as he is one who disagrees, but I really do think that it broke ground and not only was important, realistic and relevant, but damn finely acted. And to be fair, I havent seen Brokeback Mountain, but it has got to be about more than just 2 guys who have sex once a year to get me to change my mind on this one. Seems like just another love story - although I am sure its a good one - with risky politics. Crash blew my mind like no other movie has. I will give Brokeback a chance though and will report back in.

In junk in the trunk news, the hip hop/funk/house dance class continues to be a winner. I have already signed up for the next session.

In random news, I was doing another round of listening to albums I bought and never listened to, only to find out that not only had I listened to the album, I knew all the words (Ryan Adams Demolition). That was bizarre. It was actually my favorite album a couple years ago.

For those of you who dont know, Lasher is starving to death these days. He has hyperthyroid that we havent gotten a handle on, although we are working on it. I think Lasher is loving it though as he gets to eat all the time - and soft cat food at that! Some days I think he is less boney, then other days I panic. But the vet has upped his meds so we have our fingers crossed.


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