Friday, January 13, 2006

It is ON, Petey

Its that time of the year where I look at my CD collection and go, wow, there is so much here I have never listened to. And then I force myself to spend some serious time with each (half-assing it is only an option for a new CD.) There have been some fabulous results. I finally listened to the Arcade Fire Funeral which I bought probably almost a year ago, downloaded to the iPod which adds some shame. Since it was on EVERYONES top 10 list, I thought I would give it a shot. As everyone but me already seems to know, its a great album. The exciting part of it though was discovering 'Wake Up'. In addition to being a fabulous song, it is one of the songs U2 plays right before coming out on stage. Having seen them several times on this tour, I was very jazzed about finding that song as I loved hearing it in the stadium.
And now, for the controversy. I also started listening to Mercury Rev's Secret Migration. And man, do I love that album. I told Petey, who asked if I listened to Deserter's Songs, wildly held to be their best album. I hadnt so I put that in the mix as well. And I have to say, Secret gets my vote. Of course, Deserters has some really REALLY great songs. But as a whole, Secret delivers the goods for much longer than Deserters does. And any album that almost gets me to reach for the curling iron 'microphone' while I am already singing and dancing in the bathroom is just genius.

Other winners in this endeavor include Fiona Apple's Extraordinary Machine and most of the mixes The Swinger brings home.

Friday, January 06, 2006

today's tiny miracle

The photographer was supposed to send me several to look at on the trip. She sent just this one. Previously I was unable to download it or save it. For some reason it worked today. Excellent.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Rolling with the punches

So, I was hoping that this would be a blog about how the surgery went, some funny story (probably the one where I forgot to zip and button my pants and walked around the hospital completely oblivious) and other general nonsense. Unfortunately, on our way to dinner with Chivas and Improv for Chivas's birthday, we got that news that indeed, all our wedding pictures are gone. They couldnt save anything. Not a single pic. Both myself and the photographer were crying. (well and Eagle too of course.) Man, I just didnt really think they would be gone. I thought it would be a great dramatic story that got resolved. Part of me is still in shock. Our freaking wedding photos. Wow. So anyway, we are looking for a second opinion - just in case. If anyone knows anyone who would look at the drive, we'd love some advice. And if someone reading this has pics from the wedding, we would really love to see them.
And we are thinking about some solutions to this, but right now we are just being sad about it.

The bright side of this is that really, nothing went particularly well about the whole getting married process, from the ring, to the dress not fitting, to the sound system not working, to the bridesmaid who is no longer speaking to me, to these pictures. Really, lots went really wrong. But wow, being married has been awesome. Its so nice to be continually delighted by the strength of our marriage. And as we wanted, being married really changed everything. Life was astoundingly different from the moment we were pronounced husband and wife. Even the little things. I sleep different because now I sleep next to my husband who promised his life to me. Like that, all over my life. A complete state change. And nothing changes that. Excellent.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Uncomfortable 2: Electric Bugaloo

Well, I finally did it. I finally registered for the Hip-Hop/House/Funk dance class that I have been eyeing for quite some time at the Old Town. And man, I love to dance, but wow, I have no idea what I am doing in the realm of Hip-Hop/House/Funk. Hence the uncomfortable part. (And for those that dont know, Uncomfortable 1 was Belly Dancing.) I can hold my own at most types of dance, but this one is nothing like anything I have ever done. But I am excited about it, and maybe, just maybe, I might let folks know when the recital is this time. We shall see.

Oh, and the surgery is tomorrow. At 1:30! I thought those doctors like to have this stuff done early. Oh well. Makes for a short work week again. Yippee!