Monday, March 21, 2005

Under and over the surface

Right now I am really present to just how much is going on under the surface in my life. All the things unspoken that are affecting and sometimes ruling my life. And then of course, there are all the other really great things that I get to focus on to avoid whats under the surface. Not that these things are just a distraction, but they are important things that I get to look at instead of what is underneath and not have to justify spending time and energy on them. Speaking of which, Eagle and I went to B&N this weekend and bought several books that pertain to our trip. There arent as many books about the topic as you might think, but we found 4 we didnt already have. I am completely smitten with mine so far. The author spends 1/3 of the book giving tips only on how to BE on the trip. Nothing about what to pack or what credit card to bring. Rather, ways to distinguish what your mission is for the trip, heirarchys of what is important (integral to distinguish before the trip and for Eagle and I to agree on - or at least know each others as to respect them), and pros and cons of different types of traveling. This is my favorite quote so far (as part of distinguishing whether or not you are what he calls the Independant Budget Traveler):

You will travel for an extended period of time.
Your journey will be counted in weeks or months, not days. "Extended" implies much more than a minimum amount of time. If you feel as though your trip will be a consequential piece of your life - an important period of transition or growth that extends you - then the term fits. (emphasis mine)

I have a feeling that a couple months into it, what we will be present to is the extending - which isnt necessarily comfortable, but good for you. Sometimes I forget that what we are doing isnt going on a vacation. And I bet that is a trap we will fall into all the time (and I should check with the Eagle, because he might actually be going on 'vacation' which is really different than what I think we are doing.) I am so scared. And I cant wait.


The Swinger and I started a workout routine, kinda, together this weekend which consists of going for a run/jog/walk on Sunday mornings (in addition to our seperate trips to the gym). And although it was his first ever, I have to give many kudos to him for doing really really well. I was impressed. And I have never gone for a run with anyone and it was quite nice. The time really passed quickly.


Saw The Forgotten this weekend. A solid rental with some really well done scenes. I quite enjoyed it, as did the Swinger.


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