Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Junk in the trunk

So, last night amidst various wedding reality series on WE (see below) I got an email from iTunes which reminded me that its been awhile since I downloaded something. I checked on the most downloaded section for an obvious answer, and there it was. The new Black Eyed Peas. I consider the BEP to be a guilty pleasure of mine. While they had lots of cred pre-Fergie, their multitude of appearances at sporting events around the world have soured me a bit (and man I cant stand Fergie. Did you know she was on Kids Incorporated? Did I just out myself as having watched that show?) And yet, Elephunk is a fantastic album. Even with its sometimes questionable lyrics. So I downloaded Monkey Business. On first listen, I was not impressed. Of course, I have several more listens before forming a firm opinion, but the only thing that pleased me was that they have a 'junk in the trunk' song. I think Junk in the Trunk is possibly the best phrase to come out of hip hop in a long time. Forget that Crunk is now not only a noun, adjective, and blossoming music style, its got nothin' on JIT. It just doesn't.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Some stuff

Well, I havent said anything in awhile, and I suppose that just in case someone is reading this I should say something. So much is going on, and very little of it, in the grand scheme of things, is important.
The most important would be Navin who appears to be doing ok. She still isnt walking well, but she is walking and eating and being a cat. I suppose thats all we can really hope for at this point. And she clearly is not getting worse. So there's that.

The whole wedding business has been interesting. I am feeling a tad overwhelmed at this point. It isnt that any one thing is un-handleable, its more that there is just SO much to do with the wedding, honeymoon, and condo. And clearly, these are fairly priviledged problems but that doesnt mean that I dont have to deal with all of it. And the thing about the wedding is that for Eagle and I, it really is a community event. We expect that our marriage will be a contribution to our community, and that our community will be a contribution to our marriage. And while people talk about how our wedding is about US, its so much more than that. Its about us, and our community, and the promises we make to each other in front of the people we care about. I think that if we wanted it to just be about us, then we should elope and have it be just about us. But that isnt how we want it. And to the end, I am so committed that people have a great time that I pre-panic about things. For instance, I think very few people have made reservations at the resort and man alive I worry that they wont be able to stay if they want to. And I literally wake up in the middle of the night wondering about the ettiquette of inviting just half of a family. So crazy. Anyway, I think this is why the honeymoon should be organized around relaxing. I watch Bridezilla on WE so I can be present to not quite being as crazy as those ladies. Yet.

Well, I think thats all the rambling for now. Time to panic about who can make it to the Bachelor/Bachelorette weekend.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Navin R. Sugarcat

Well, the verdict on Navin R. Johnson is in. She is diabetic. So thats better news than we previously had gotten on her condition. However, the vet wasnt sure it was going to take care of her issue with walking. According to what I have read, it should take care of it. Heres hoping. So far, she doesnt seem to even notice her insulin shots so that is good. Iron Chef, who would probably take over her care should we "go somewhere," seemed fairly confident that he could do it. It is ridiculously simple. The vet seemed to think that once we got it under control that we would be able to maintain it with just an alteration in her diet. That would be the best possible world. We have to limit her eating so that she gets her insulin after she eats. Lasher seems to be cooperating so far, but I fear his patience will wear thin. He is rather particular about his food.

Friday, June 03, 2005

On again, Off again

Eagle and I are back from the deep woods and trying to recover. Its amazing how grueling it was, and just how fun. I cant believe we leave for Portland tonight. It feels like the dumbest idea we have had in a long time. But anyway, we are gone til Monday night so the blog will be quiet until at least then.

Also, Eagle took Navin R. Johnson to the vet today. Ol' girl is having trouble walking. She cant take more than a couple steps without laying down. Odd thing is that she doesnt seem to be in any pain. You can touch her legs and she doesnt react. The vet doesnt have any idea what is wrong with her and is taking x-rays as we speak. Someone suggested a pinched nerve that has caused her to go numb. Sounds fairly plausible. We are hoping for a simple solution and if not we are looking into possible carts so she can wheel herself around. Navin R. Wheeliepants.

Big work stuff going on here. Waiting for more details. Seems that I am going to be made a manager with a couple reports. Should be interesting, will keep you updated.