Born to Run
So some of you have already heard my squeals of delight on this, but yesterday, for the first time in my entire life, I jogged a mile. Now, in the grand scheme of things, this may not seem like such a life-altering event, but it is. Its freaking huge.
I have mentioned the running thing before, but to reiterate a little context, I have wanted to run a mile my entire life. Like no kidding. I dream about it, and frankly have been putting a quasi-serious attempt at it for a couple years.
And I think more importantly to note, I really, really had myself convinced that I couldnt do it. I had so much evidence to prove that I just wasnt someone who could run. When I was in high school and in the best shape I have ever been, having dance practices for 12 hours a day, I still couldnt manage to run more than a couple blocks. I figured that if I couldnt do it then, there was no way I could do it now. I really occured for me like impossible and something I could chalk up to just one of things I am not good at. And thats why it so big to me, because I didnt quit. I had all the reasons to quit and none to keep going, and I did.
Now, for the nuts and bolts of it, I certainly didnt jog the fastest mile ever done. Not by a long shot. But as the end was in sight, I could feel a pull, almost literally, to stop running, to come just short of it. It was so unconscious it kinda scared me. And my legs were not happy with me, and I could have justified stopping. But to throw it in my own face, not only did I finish the mile, but I continued on for another quarter mile. Then I walked an 1/8 of a mile and then jogged the rest of the second mile. (How does she know these measurements, you might ask. The park I run around is a quarter mile each side. Makes for very easy distance calculation.)
And when I got home and was walking up the stairs, I started thinking about dinner. Then I realized that I was already ignoring what I had just done. That I had just done something that I thought was impossible, and realized that I didnt want to just ignore it. So I called Eagle, Muchachomama, and talked to CHLS and his little lady in the hallway. And now I am telling you, because I think its important to know - yesterday someone did something that for their entire life they thought was impossible.
And I bet that most of us have, so tell me about it in the comments.
Congrats. Just so you know, I've always figured there was nothing that you couldn't do. I'm glad to be so right.
You already know my impossible thing. Stand-up in front of, well, if not complete strangers then at least not, you know, my friends alone. Funny that, the thing I now feel I was born to do and I've been afraid of it my whole life.
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