Monday, May 02, 2005

butter chicken/bummer

Had lunch on Sat with the Misters Patel and must say that it was quite a delight. The littlest one couldnt have been cuter and even smiled at me (kids of all ages, in general, dont smile or like me.) With that little mole next to his eye he is certain to be quite the handsome man. I cant remember the last time Casual and I had a conversation, just the two of us. And it really felt long overdue and as if we only just started a conversation that we will continue at a later time. And the indian food was spectacular. Not only did they have Channa, but also Butter Chicken and tandoori chicken and all the nan you could eat. I am already trying to figure out when my next visit will be.
Happy Birthday Muchacho!!!

On my way home Sunday from the Muchachos birthday I had 3 voicemails. 2 hangups (which is usually Iron Chef Chicago) and a message from ICC himself requesting some C2 if we are going to a grocery store. Due to phone troubles, I notice a half hour later another message from ICC however its rather garbled and the only words I hear are 'dont worry.' I assume that he managed to get himself some C2, but leave him a message anyway letting him know that I couldnt understand the message. Lo and behold, ICC shows up at our backdoor with bandages galore on his hand. Apparently the message was 'Ive sliced off part of my thumb and am going to the emergency room to stop the bleeding. I am ok though, dont worry.' And true to his word, he was ok, but not only does he have less thumb, he didnt get any C2 either. Bummer.


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