God love a coworker
Here at work, it has been plenty a month since our coffee maker last spewed out the filth that passed as coffee. On a good day, you can find both a plastic fork and a plastic spoon. We never run out of things to complain about. To that end our little kitchen in the left wing has seen many a note left regarding all sorts of kitchen-based atrocities: someone keeps throwing out my gladware, whoever emptied out the fridge threw away all the food I bought yesterday, someone didnt refill the water pitcher. I introduce to you the latest: where have all the paper towels gone.

Yes, someone I work with has the time, energy, and desire to 3 times a day (!!) check the status of paper towels and record those results. Apparently, twice (!!) this person had to go to the bathroom for a paper towel because there were none in the kitchen. And the suspicion is that they are being taken.
I keep thinking, perhaps once we get this handled we could start working on world peace. But first things first I suppose.
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