Monday, February 21, 2005

Caution- This blog causes fever

and chills, and headaches, and loss of appetite, and the sweats, and general body aching malay.

So, my grand entrance into the blog world ending up being nothing more than a whimper. Have spent the last 3 days catching up on some quality time with my couch. Normally, this of course would be a good thing. Great thing even. But shortly after I posted my very first post I got hit with a flu unlike any other flu in my memory.

Side note: I am as guilty of this as any other, but did you all know that unless you have a fever you dont have the flu? As I got a fever and it broke about 3 times a day for 3 days I was having a little hatefest for all those folks out there who say they have the flu and yet arent experiencing the joys of shivering and adding more blankets then immediately sweating and taking off clothes and kicking off blankets. Over and over again. And at the same time I felt sympathy for those people because, man, no one really believes you feel bad if you say you just have a cold. You might as well call in with a hangnail. You'll get no sympathy. So on some freakish level, I was rather proud to say I have the flu and could back it up with tales of a wicked mean fever.

I need to lay down now.

Hi. Thanks for reading.


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