Tuesday, February 28, 2006

MIA and such

Its been a dogs age since I blogged. And so much has happened. Kinda. Well I guess the first thing to acknowledge is that in general, I wasnt doing so good for quite some time. And all the signs were there and I just wasnt noticing them. I was biting my nails, not blogging and sleeping more than usual. I am talking falling asleep at 7:30. And that all just made the depression all the worse. Not to mention that I have been working serious hours at work. But I was offered a position in management at work and I turned it down. After that, things started to look up for me. It felt really good to turn it down. When it was presented to me, it sounded a lot more like a threat than an acknowledgement of the hard work that I do. Not to mention that because I had just gotten a raise, they werent willing to raise me up to the salary of a manager. So once again I would be underpaid for what I do. In addition, if I didnt meet the expected statistical measures, while figuring out how to delegate the extra persons job I am already doing, while getting project management certified and managing darn near all the companies websites, he said there would be no guarantee that at that time I would be moved up to a proper salary. And while I originally agreed, I called the boss later that evening and declined. It felt awesome. There is of course more drama and outrageousness to the story, but it just angers me to reiterate so I am going to stop there. I think that whole experience really helped to illustrate just how sad I have been. And really, I dont think there is much to do about it. These things happen in life. I am just waiting it through and letting Eagle know what is going on.

In awesome news, I started my HipHop/House/Funk dance class last night. It was just what I was hoping for. It was physically really challenging (complete with 10 minutes of ab work, followed by push ups and a back bend. Brutal. And while 10 straight minutes of ab work doesnt sound hard, I recommend you try it before judging.) The instructer was seriously cut, both arms and abs. And the class itself was just the kind of dance I was hoping for. Totally applicable to party dancing, if thats the right term. And as I expected, I was terrible at it. I am really going to have to alter how I am used to moving my body to get this. And I really wish I had a mirror to practice in front of. As much as she talked about how you have to just sell it and not worry about doing it right, thats not how I work - or specifically, not how I dance. I have to count this stuff out, memorize, get it perfect. I'll do that 'go with it' thing when I feel less like an ass doing the moves. And thats ok with me.

Well, I am feeling like this is a rather dull post, lacks focus, so my apologies on that. Just trying to get back in the saddle.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Best quote I've heard in a long time

From Bono at the National Prayer Breakfast:

Stop asking God to bless what you're doing. Get involved in what God is doing - because it's already blessed.

The boy has got a way with words.