Friday, August 19, 2005

I'm tubbin it!

Happiness has arrived to apartment 3S. Not only have I felt like a million bucks for the past 2 days, but this morning, finally, Navin R. Johnson jumped in the tub. For those of you who havent gotten the shake down from a wet Johnson (*snicker*), Navin LOVES to be in the tub. But due to her diabetes, she hasnt been able to do this for months. She just sits under the drippy faucet and lets the water run down her back, occasionally licking off a drop or two. She will sit in there til she is good and wet. Then she comes out and jumps up on laps, delighting in your shriek as you realized that a very wet cat has just jumped on your lap/rubbed your legs. At which point we all sing (to the tune of the McDonalds commercial) 'Da da da da da, I'm tubbin it!' Regardless of how often we do it, it seems to make the whole place happy, not to mention Navin. I think this represents a turning of the tide for the whole apartment. Good ol Navin.


At 11:22 AM, Blogger Donaldson said...

I missed it! Darn.

Oh, Navin R. Johnson, you are a miracle cat.


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