Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Hostess Panic

Trolling around The Knot today to see if there is anything I have forgotten to do, ideas I havent had, etc when I came across this complaint (in their article about what guests dont like about weddings):

"My wife and I recently went to a wedding on a Sunday evening, and we had to be at work the next day. The ceremony was at 5 p.m., the reception wasn't until about 6:30, and dinner wasn't even served until 8. The meal was finished around 9:30, and most of the guests were not from the area where the wedding took place. We left before the reception was over, and still didn't make it home until midnight."

Yep, that would perfectly describe the entire timeline of our wedding (although between the ceremony and reception is a cocktail hour with food, but still). And so now I am wildly regretting the timing of the ceremony. I have always wanted an evening wedding, but I am not getting that anyway so clearly starting at 3 would not have been a big deal. And wow, would it really suck to put this much effort into taking care of your guests and then have them complain like this. So I am pre-devastated about the whole thing. And I really just hope that the people who have a problem with it just arent coming. I guess the long and short of it is that I didnt invite anyone who I wouldnt go to their Sunday evening wedding, in or out of town. And then I forget that people dont view life like I do and wouldnt necessarily do what I would do for them. I just keep telling myself that the above guest was a co-worker. Afterall, what friend would complain about their friends wedding, regardless of time or location? Its not like its a tupperware party, its a freakin wedding. Then again, I would go to Jamaica for a co-workers wedding so maybe I am way out of touch on these things. I dont know.


At 6:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ICC says... Now you know what we have been saying behind your back. Well not all of us, just a few people. Hey that could be a fun pre-wedding game, guess who is complaining the most.

At 10:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I once drove 4 hours to a wedding in a broken, over-heating car with no radio. I had to stop several times to let the car 'sigh.' It never occurred to me not to go, and even now i'd do it again.

At 1:24 PM, Blogger unit410 said...

Hey Sis, didnt know you come by. Fantastic to hear from you.

At 9:18 AM, Blogger messages said...

It's such a shame that people view weddings as some sort of concert or event that they HAVE to go to. Either you go or don't. Either you honor their journey or you don't.

And we will honor your journey.

Simple as that.

At 2:30 PM, Blogger Donaldson said...

Wow, even after reading this post the first time, re-looking at the list of recent posts brings the hope against hope that this would be some fruit pie or Ho-Ho related rant.



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